Hope and Health Lecture Series

Connecting Generations through Dance

June 22, 7 p.m.

Join the Intergenerational Schools and Maria Genné of Kairos Alive! to discuss the benefits of dance and movement in our schools. Maria will introduce the idea of Embodies Cognition as a means for communicating through our bodies.

Register for this free virtual lecture today!


Maria Genné is a dancer, choreographer and educator, recognized as a pioneering leader in the intergenerational interactive participatory performing arts, and arts and health fields. Her national award winning work to create interactive dance, music and story programs for intergenerational participants is designed to tap into the artistry and creativity of older adults and invite them to be central collaborators in the artistic process of dance, music and storytelling. It models a new and vital role in society for the community based professional performing artist, and new possibilities of intergenerational community enjoyment and understanding. Her 65+ choreography works are recognized for their ability to highlight the beauty of human experience through movement and story.

Academic Articles and Resources

Optional Pre-Reading Materials for Mar. 24th Conversation

Summaries and Pre-Reading Material

The three pieces represent a mix of scholarly research and real-world experiences. Together, they show how connections across generations can be cultivated, fostered, and embraced to promote health, community, and - of course - learning. Click to read.


A Model of Intergenerativity:

How the Intergenerational School is Bringing the Generations Together to Foster Collective Wisdom and Community Health. Click to read.


Intergenerational Reading Rooms: Lessons Learned from The Intergenerational Schools

How can schools become vibrant intergenerational settings? To explore this question, we focus on
the Intergenerational Reading Room (IRR) component of The Intergenerational Schools (TIS) model
established in Cleveland, Ohio. Click to read.